Saturday, April 21, 2012

simple-lets get organized

Do your scarfs look like this? A hot mess! Before organizing mine, this is how they were, thrown in some sort of about a pain to shuffle through while trying to get ready for your day! yuck!
Well lucky for you, I have an easy solution to your scarf I hear shoe holder? I found mine while thrifting a while back and knew immediately that I was no longer going to have this mess of scarfs and use it to get them organized!
Target has some cloth ones, that you can either leave plain or use RIT dye and dye it to your favorite color, OR even use felt markers. Target also has clear ones, this may be even more ideal to see the entire scarf rather then having them stick out the top, your choice :)
Simply fold all your scarfs into nice size rectangles and put 2-3 per shoe pocket. I wouldnt put more than 3 (even 3 is pushing it) because then you will end up having to pull them out to see which ones you tucked in one pocket and that kind of defeats the whole purpose...right?  I have mine hung up right above my perfumes in my closet, so I am able to see them everyday along with have easy access to when I want to wear one. I tend to forget what I have so organizations like this makes things a lot easier for me. 


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